Mind-Blowing! Post-Right Issue, BRI Already Covered 1997/1998 Crisis Cost

MORE than two decades (23 years), the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) issue is similar to a continuing saga. There have been six governments – the BLBI story is still far from... Read more »

Sekali Lagi Perkara BLBI: Kapan KPK Move On

Oleh Eko B Supriyanto AKHIR pekan lalu, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) meminta Kepolisian RI untuk menerbitkan Red Notice atas Syamsul Nursalim (SN) dan Itjh Nursalim (IN). Dasar KPK tak lain status tersangka perkara SKL-BDNI yang... Read more »